“Welcome to my online space, which allows me to reach you and for you to be reading my words.”
I am Helena Olcina, consultant in “Personal Marketing”, or in other words, along with a qualified and humane team I shape and give meaning and visibility to my clients’ businesses, combining:
- studied commercial strategies of proven efficiency,
- dynamic and innovative advertising campaigns,
- customer loyalty and sales techniques consistent with your objectives,
- aptitudes and strengths from the human team in the company
which turns every business into a success in one year, 365 days of a combination of creativity, team work and business organization
I love entrepreneurship, which I’ve always supported, and I truly believe that leading a company does not mean to be its salve or to waste your life trying to preserve it; I believe in working following clear objectives, in productivity and in the fact that attitude and motivation can achieve anything.
I love my work because it helps me develop my abilities, which I use to grow the businesses of entrepreneurs who, like me, have economic and professional freedom because they dared to take a step forward. Do you dare to do the same?
I wouldn’t know how to find the most adequate professional definition for Helena, whom I’ve seen working for a long time, but I would be able to enumerate the many reasons why, if you want to grow your business or learn about marketing to lead your own advertising campaigns, she is the best alternative. She always commits to the objectives of her clients, she has a wide experience which allows her to visualize inexistent alternatives, she has great skills in communication, motivation, leadership… always dynamic, spontaneous and positive, she is the piece that fits in the puzzle of success.
Juanma Romero
Expert in personal magnetism
media visibility and public speaking;
Director of the program “Emprende” – “Thrive”
The team of HO we formed a group as diverse as professional, creative, dynamic, positive … we have managed to make our work a fun way of life.
¡Our professional achievements!
Presentation of the program “Emprende” from the Coworking created for all my clients.
The foundation Rafael del Pino selects me as a reference entrepreneur to give formative and motivational presentations about entrepreneurship in the schools of the capital
Live interview in Cierre de Mercados about the future of social networks, when they had just started in Spain
The show Madrid Opina invites me to speak live about the problems that Spanish businessmen face
El programa Madrid Opina me invita para hablar en directo sobre los problemas que presionan a los empresarios españoles
- “If you don’t position yourself, you don’t exist” Interview in diarioabierto
- Selected as one of the “Successful entrepreneurs from the 2011 Generation″ in La Razón.
- PR Noticias interviews me about networking in the online era
- Página del distrito interviews me about the support I give to new entrepreneurs
- We present “The Businessman’s Cards” in the press
- Helena Olcina crea un networking muy especial para todos sus clientes.
- Helena Olcina se incorpora al comité de Comunicación de MADRID WOMAN’S WEEK
- Networking multitudinario ralizado por Helena Olcina en el nuevo GarAJE.
- AEMME invitó a Helena Olcina a participar como ponente en la mesa redonda de ‘Casos de Éxito – Empresarias’, para exponer las claves de su exitosa carrera profesional.
¡Nos vemos en la redes!